● 教育经历:
● 任职经历:
2022/3至现在, 河南大学地理与环境学院,副教授
2014/7至2022/2, 河南大学环境与规划(地理与环境)学院,讲师
● 最近五(5)年从事过的‘竞争型’科研项目:
1. 主持人:1. 中原不同地貌区4kaBP前后遗址分布与异常洪水关系的对比研究(教育部人文社科规划基金项目,批准号:23YJAZH064;10万元,2023/10 - 2026/09)
2. 主持人:河南地区末次冰消期气候环境变化的高分辨率湖泊沉积记录(河南省自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:222300420420;10万元,2022/01 - 2023/1)
● 最近五(2018-01至2024-9)年发表的论文(*标识通讯作者):
1. 刘畅, 李开封.* 2024. 荥阳盆地新石器-青铜时代水文地貌演化及其对农业发展的影响. 地理学报. 待刊.
2. Gao Wenhua, Yuan Huijin, Pan Yufei, Jia Wenyan, Liu Xiaoli, Li Kaifeng*. 2023. Spatiotemporal variation of human settlement distribution between the Shang and Western Zhou dynasties in relation to flooding in the lower Yellow River floodplain, East China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 52, 104260.
3. Li Kaifeng, Gao Wenhua*. 2021. Human settlement distribution patterns during the Longshan and Xinzhai-Erlitou periods and their hydrogeomorphic contexts in the Central Plains, China. Catena, 204, 105433.
4. Li Kaifeng, Gao Wenhua*, Wu Li, Hu Hainan, Gong Panpan, Li Suyuan, Jin Rui, Si Yi. 2021. Spatial expansion of human settlement during the Longshan period (~4.5-~3.9 ka BP) and its hydroclimatic contexts in the lower Yellow River floodplain, Eastern China. Land, 10, 712.
5. Li Kaifeng, Gong Panpan, Hu Hainan, Jia Wenyan, Liu Xiaoli, Gao Wenhua*. 2021. Spatial variability of human subsistence strategies during the Longshan period (~4.6-~3.9 ka BP) and its possible physical environmental contexts in the Yellow-Huai River area, East China. Scientific Culture, 7(3), 105-116.
6. Li Kaifeng*, Gao Wenhua*. 2019. Holocene climate change in Henan area: A synthesis of proxy records. Quaternary International, 521, 185-193.
7. Gao Wenhua, Hu Hainan, Hou Weidong, Zhang Pengjia, Gong Panpan, Jia wenyan, Liu Xiaoli, Li Kaifeng*. 2022. The spatiotemporal patterns of human settlement during the Longshan and Erlitou periods in relation to extreme floods and subsistence strategy in the upper and middle Qin River reaches, Central China. Land, 11, 1088.
8. Guo Tianhong, Zhu Cheng*, Li Kaifeng*, Wu Li. 2021. Early-Middle Holocene marine-terrestrial changes in the southeastern Lixiahe Plain, East China: Land-forming mechanisms, regional significance, and implications for Neolithic cultural origins. Marine Geology, 438, 106518.
9. Wu Li*, Zhou Hui, Li Jiaoyang, Li Kaifeng*, Sun Xiaoling, Lu Shuguang, Li Linying, Zhu Tongxin, Guo Qingchun. 2019. Thiessen polygon analysis and spatial pattern evolution of Neolithic cultural sites (8.0-4.0 ka BP) in Huaibei Plain of Anhui, East China. Quaternary International, 521, 75-84.