● 教育经历:
● 任职经历:
2009至2012,获日本学术振兴会和联合国大学资助(JSPS-UNU外国科学家研究金),在联合国大学高等研究所(United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies)从事研究工作。
● 从事过的科研项目:
1. 主持JSPS(日本学术振兴会)United Nations University(联合国大学)基金项目、国家基金委面上项目、教育部基金项目、河南省政府基金项目和博士后基金重点项目等。
● 最近五(5)年发表的论文:
1. Heli Lu(卢鹤立), et. al.. Approaches to quantifying carbon emissions from degradation in pan-tropic forests - Implications for effective REDD monitoring. Land Degradation & Development, 2020, 31.15: 1890-1905.
2. Heli LU(卢鹤立), et. al.. Spatial effects of carbon dioxide emissions from residential energy consumption: A county-level study using enhanced nocturnal lighting. Applied Energy 131 (2014) 297–306.
3. Heli Lu(卢鹤立), et. al.. Marginal abatement cost curves for REDD+ in Kalimantan, Indonesia and the potential role of cost-saving plantations. Environmental Research Letters. 2018, 13: 075006.
4. Heli LU(卢鹤立), et. al. Distributed land use modeling and sensitivity analysis for REDD+. Land Use Policy, 2013, 33(4): 54– 60.
5. Heli Lu(卢鹤立), et. al.. Mapping China’s Ghost Cities through the Combination of Nighttime Satellite Data and Daytime Satellite Data. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(7):1037.